Feb 19Corporate Volunteers help Mercy Housing Lakefront Celebrate the Holiday Season
This winter, Mercy Housing residents were able to celebrate the holiday season thanks to a large group of corporate volunteers.

In the beginning of December, Bank of America volunteers kicked off the holiday season with a dinner hosted at the historic Harold Washington Apartments. Volunteers not only served a hearty holiday meal, but also spent time visiting with the residents. The residents truly enjoyed this celebratory meal and valued the time they had to speak with the Bank of America employees. This event is a part of the valued and long-standing partnership between Bank of America and MHL which aims to preserve affordable housing throughout Chicago.

Children who participate in the Austin after-school program also celebrated the holidays in December with employees from Linden, LLC. The organization sponsored the Austin Holiday Party for more than 30 children. Volunteers spent the afternoon with the children playing board games, constructing crafts and distributing gifts. Linden, LLC has adopted the Austin properties as a part of MHL’s Adopt-a-Building program.
Each year employees from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., sponsor a winter coat drive for students living in Mercy Housing Lakefront’s Austin properties. This year they donated a brand new winter coat to each of the students participating in the after-school program. In addition, Kay Whitlock, Jack Ranttila and Pat Ranttila distributed gift bags filled with gloves, candy and holiday treats.

Finally, families living within MHL’s Austin properties were invited by United Airlines and the Chicago Bears to attend the 2012 Making Holiday Wishes Come True event at Soldier Field. More than 30 families from the Austin community enjoyed cookie decorating, taking photos with Santa, face-painting and interacting with Chicago Bears players. Families also received gifts generously donated by United Airlines staff as well as members of the Chicago Bears organization.
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