Jun 23Mercy Housing and Promise Energy Launch Groundbreaking National Solar Development Partnership to Bring Solar Energy to Affordable Housing
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Denver, CO—Mercy Housing, Inc., one of the nation’s largest affordable housing nonprofits, is launching a partnership with Promise Energy, Inc. to increase solar energy use across Mercy Housing’s portfolio. Since affordable housing communities usually operate on thin margins and have limited roof space, they often struggle to implement solar energy programs. Through their partnership, Mercy Housing and Promise Energy intend to show that affordable housing can, and should, be solarized.
The partnership is the first of its kind to prioritize putting solar panels on affordable multifamily properties on such a large scale nationwide. This program involves installing three megawatts (3MW) or more of new solar capacity across Mercy Housing’s portfolio. These installations would provide solar for the equivalent of more than 1,000 units of affordable housing, and reduce emissions by more than 3,000 tons of CO2 each year.
The partnership will use private financing under a solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model, which helps defray the upfront cost of installing solar panels. Solar PPAs are financial agreements in which one party (in this case, Promise Energy) pays for the installation and management of solar energy on a property (or properties) at little or no upfront cost to the customer (in this case, Mercy Housing). The customer then pays for the electricity the solar panels generate.
Mercy Housing was able to use a HUD Technical Assistance grant, as a result of their commitment to the Renew300 program, to develop a detailed Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to find a solar partner. Mercy Housing then conducted a nationwide search for a solar provider with knowledge of affordable housing. Promise Energy was selected for their considerable experience designing and financing solar solutions, and their proven track record of successfully serving multifamily affordable housing portfolios.

“We are delighted that the HUD technical assistance was used to build capacity for Mercy Housing’s innovative approach.” said Crystal Bergemann, Senior Energy Analyst in the Office of Economic Resilience at HUD. “This partnership is groundbreaking; we are pleased to see a long-term commitment to the solarization of an entire national affordable housing portfolio, showing that solar works for low income communities.”
“This approach allows us to achieve real economies of scale, and stay ahead of changes in rebates, regulations, and technology,” explained Rood. “What we’ve found in Promise Energy is a dynamic and dedicated partner who is able to both operate at a national scale and dive into the details of each project to come up with the best solution.”
“Mercy Housing is really leading the way here by taking a strategic approach to solarizing its whole portfolio,” said Adam Boucher, CEO and founder of Promise Energy. “Their solar commitment is timely because it reflects the fact that the energy landscape is undergoing an enormous transformation. Relying exclusively on the local utility to provide power is no longer the only option for property managers. Instead, Mercy Housing is developing an integrated energy strategy to reduce consumption and lower energy costs.”
By partnering with Promise Energy, Mercy Housing gains access to a team of experts and the resources needed to make decisions that will significantly improve the long-term performance of its communities. Promise Energy will be conducting property-level energy needs assessments, coordinating and maximizing rebates and incentives, and evaluating a variety of options to bring as much value to Mercy Housing’s projects as possible.
“Today, the decision to go solar needs to be considered in the context of the long-term needs of the property. When our team dives in, we consider the timing of current and future incentives, increasing sustainability requirements, and the lifecycle of each property to determine the best solution,” added Boucher.
“Going beyond solar, both HUD and the State of California have made whole-building efficiency, and deep energy retrofits a priority,” said Jonas Villalba, Vice President of Project Development for Promise Energy. “Solar photovoltaics is one solution, but there are many other options available to address energy management. Battery storage, community solar, solar water heating, and other energy efficiency measures will also be considered on a case-by-case basis for each property in Mercy Housing’s portfolio.”
About Mercy Housing
Mercy Housing is one of the nation’s largest affordable housing nonprofits. Mercy Housing has more than 30 years’ experience developing, preserving, managing, and financing affordable, program-enriched housing. Mercy Housing has made commitments to both the HUD and the Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge for Multifamily and Renew300 as a part of its environmental program. To learn more about Mercy Housing and the services it provides, visit www.mercyhousing.org. To learn more about Mercy Housing’s environmental sustainability program, Green Hope, visit www.mercyhousing.com/greenhope.
About Promise Energy
Promise Energy Inc, is a full-service solar solutions provider, delivering integrated financing, design and installation for multifamily affordable housing portfolios nationwide. Promise Energy partners with building owners and residents to save energy, and reduce operating expenses with solar photovoltaics, solar water heating and smart energy management. The company has provided solar solutions for over 5,000 units of affordable housing, as well as designing solar and net zero energy solutions for market-rate housing and commercial projects. To find out more, contact us at www.PromiseEnergy.com.
About HUD’s Renew300 Program
The President’s Climate Action Plan called for a target of 100 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity of renewable energy on-site at federally subsidized housing by 2020, and in July of 2015, HUD and Department of Energy (DOE) announced an expansion of the goal, tripling to target to 300 MW of renewables for low-and-moderate income housing by 2020, and broadening the goal to include community and shared solar installations. Federally assisted housing includes HUD’s rental housing portfolio (Public Housing, Multifamily Assisted) and USDA’s Rural Development Multifamily Programs, as well as rental housing supported through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The 300 MW target aims to make use of millions of federally subsidized roofs with on-site generation potential. Due to the nature of the target, solar photovoltaic (PV) generation will be the primary renewable energy source utilized under this initiative. However, other types of renewable energy, including solar thermal, wind, geothermal, biomass, combined heat and power, and small-hydro projects, are also included. To find out more visit www.hudexchange.info/programs/renewable-energy/.
Caitlin Rood
National Environmental Sustainability Director
Andy Mannle
VP Strategic Development
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