Feb 17Timbercreek Apartments in Omaha, Nebraska Offers Free Tax Preparation
Tax season is notorious for the stress it causes. But residents of Timbercreek Apartments in Omaha, Neb. and other Omahans can rest easy knowing that they can get their taxes prepared at Timbercreek Apartments for free.
Timbercreek Apartments has partnered with the Omaha Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition to offer this free tax preparation. The Omaha EITC Coalition’s mission is to” promote the claiming of tax credits through quality volunteer tax return preparation with the goal of providing educational tools and community resources for family asset development.”
Filing one’s taxes can be a confusing process, and people who file without the aid of a knowledgeable and experienced accountant risk losing the opportunity to claim important credits that can help them.
The Earned Income Tax Credit is especially useful in helping people living in poverty. First signed by President Ford and then substantially expanded by President Reagan, it is widely considered one of the most effective tools to reduce poverty. A brief by the Economic Policy Institute found that it “reduces poverty significantly, with children constituting half of the individuals it lifts out of poverty.”
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