Mar 13More Services, More Hope
Mercy Housing offers a rich variety of Resident Services for so many residents, and we often get the question, what are Resident Services? Providing four walls and a roof isn’t always enough, so we offer classes, speakers, and other educational resources that give residents the tools they need to succeed. Thankfully, we have inspiring donors that make it all possible. These services create stability and serve the people in our communities that need it most. Dedicated donors, residents, partners, volunteers, and staff combine their efforts to offer these Resident Services.
Mercy Housing Southeast is growing their Resident Services capacity; they received $79,000 from the Fulton County Department of Community Development to implement onsite health clinics and referrals to around 450 senior residents at four properties in the Atlanta area. Residents receive preventive health screenings, Medicare wellness examinations, behavioral health assessment and counseling, follow-up appointments for chronic and routine care, and referrals for specialized services provided by resident physicians, nurse practitioners, and first-year medical students.
Thank you Fulton County Department of Community Development for supporting senior residents in Atlanta!
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