Jul 06Summertime Fun
Ready. Set. Go! Summer is in full swing with Out-of-School Time (OST) programming in communities across the Mountain Plains. OST is one of Mercy Housing’s most popular programs for youth and engages hundreds of kids each year with fun activities and healthy snacks. For so many parents, OST provides peace of mind knowing their children are participating in a safe activity either after school or throughout the summer months. Best part of all – its free!
Resident Services staff kicked off summer break by celebrating in some exciting and big ways. From colorful crafts to fabulous field trips, kids are having a blast at Crestview Village Apartments in Nebraska!
Youth used their crafting talents to create colorful rainbow decorations in honor of Pride month. Mercy Housing’s core values of Respect, Justice, and Mercy were evident as the kids discussed the importance of diversity and inclusivity.
Learning about healthy snacks through hands-on exploration is a great way for kids to create a foundation of lifelong eating habits. On this day, kids assembled yogurt parfaits filled with Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and some colorful crunch. The smiles on these faces can only mean one thing – they were a big hit!

It was hard to get these kids down after climbing to new heights at a nearby indoor adventure park. Almost two dozen youth participated in this daring field trip that pushed their comfort levels as they explored life from above. This was a new experience for many and a great way for everyone to show off their athletic skills.

With all these amazing activities and many more to come – the summer of 2022 is sure to be a hit!
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