Monsignor Lyne

 Electrification Projects Decarbonize Affordable Housing

When it comes to decarbonization, solar panels get quite a bit of flash and marketing – and rightfully so, as they save people a lot of money while reducing our reliance on a power grid that burns fossil fuels. However, its sibling in decarbonization tends to be overlooked: electrification.

Electrification, or the retrofit of a machine or system from gas to an electric-powered one, is essential for a property’s ability to decarbonize. Such a relatively simple change in machinery can dwindle the property’s Scope 1 Emissions or emissions that a property owns/controls.

A case study for electrification in Mercy Housing’s affordable housing portfolio resides in Monsignor Lyne. A 20-unit property in San Francisco’s Castro District, Monsignor Lyne has been a perfect candidate for a large-scale project to improve the property and quality of life of its senior residents.

Working directly with Carbon Zero Buildings, Mercy Housing implemented measures such as:

  • Replacing the gas boiler with a high-efficiency central heat pump water heater
  • Installing a common area HVAC system
  • Upgrading apartment and common area lighting to LEDs
  • Replacing gas dryers with electric – dryers
  • Installing low-flow faucet aerators and showerheads

By electrifying its water heating, cooling, and laundry, the property is able to protect itself from the volatility of California’s gas prices, while taking advantage of available incentives before the state’s ban on the purchase of new gas water heaters goes into effect. The property’s fixed-income senior population will also see some benefits, as the lighting upgrades will show a reduction in their energy bills. The property will avoid over 10.1 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions a year, which is equal to over 5.5 tons of coal burned per year. This is no small feat – despite the size of the property, it would have taken 12 acres of U.S. forests every year to properly sequester the Carbon Dioxide that it was responsible for annually, and being able to remove that allows our forests to sequester other Carbon Emissions. Every property that gets such a retrofit aids in meeting Mercy’s Better Climate Challenge goal, which is to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the national portfolio by 50% over a ten-year span.

Electrification is not a cost-friendly measure. Affordable housing does not have the same financial resources as its for-profit counterparts do for such an investment, so Mercy Housing’s Green Hope Team has leveraged various state and local incentive programs to reduce the property’s net investment by 82%. Such incentive programs increase access to such decarbonization measures and allow for a more sustainable future in our existing buildings.

Looking forward, Monsignor Lyne will replace its in-unit HVAC with a mini-split system and replace the washers in the laundry room with Energy Star-certified front-loading washers. This phase was created with the support of the site and regional staff, adding to the list of site staff that is thoroughly engaged with the work that Green Hope does. Outside of Monsignor Lyne, Mercy Housing’s Green Hope team is in various stages of development for electrification and energy efficiency projects spanning 9 properties and over 500 units, leveraging about $4.5 million in state and local incentives. Doing so will dramatically reduce Scope 1 Emissions at all 9 properties while providing low-income tenants with utility savings.

Mehul Kamran
Environmental Specialist