Mar 02Sustainable Upgrades
Green Hope, Mercy Housing’s environmental sustainability department, and Decatur Place staff recently partnered with Sensor Industries, ProdigyLink, Energy Outreach Colorado, and Mile High Youth Corps to provide water and energy-saving upgrades and community solar subscriptions to Decatur Place residents in Denver. During the first week of November, Sensor Industries and ProdigyLink installed toilet leak sensors, flood sensors, and real-time water meter monitoring, which will help prevent water waste at the property; this technology was partially funded by a generous grant from the Housing Partnership Network and The Percival Stern Foundation. That same week, Mile High Youth Corps upgraded units with over 400 energy-efficient lightbulbs and low-flow water fixtures. Energy Outreach Colorado helped enroll residents into community solar subscriptions, which will save households ~50% on their monthly electricity bill and allow them to make the switch to clean energy – about 25 households signed up!
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