Mercy Housing Lakefront

Our mission is to create stable, vibrant, and healthy communities by developing, financing, and operating affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors, and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities. We achieve this through our resident-centric services, strategic approach to housing development, and the support of our partners and donors.

Mercy Housing Lakefront, the Great Lakes region’s largest nonprofit provider of service-enriched housing, is committed to creating affordable homes and inspiring dreams. We work with residents to establish engaged, strong, and inclusive communities. MHL owns and operates 46 properties in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, serving more than 7,000 people annually.


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The Problem

293,354 Shortage of affordable homes for extremely low-income households in Illinois
$12,540 Average income of Mercy Housing Lakefront households

Our Impact

5,061 Apartment homes across the region
7,000+ People live in an affordable Mercy Housing Lakefront community

The Need for Affordable Housing

A significant number of communities in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin continue to struggle with a shortage of affordable housing. In Illinois alone, there is a shortage of more than 324,000 affordable rental homes for extremely low-income households – forcing many people to become homeless or just one paycheck away from homelessness.

Rent burden and housing instability have widespread negative impacts on people’s health, education, and economic security.

Explore our Impact Report to see how we’ve responded to the needs of our region »

Help People Like Edna

On her own at 17 years old, Edna battled homelessness and addiction on the streets of Chicago. Filled with hope and a desire for a better life, she found her way to Mercy Housing Lakefront and moved into an apartment in the Schiff Residences.

Edna met Tarlisa Hunt, the Schiff Residences Property Manager, whose encouragement gave her the strength to go to school and eventually graduate from the prestigious culinary school Le Cordon Bleu. Watch Edna’s Story >

Donate to Mercy Housing Lakefront

We are proud to serve our residents and Lakefront communities through the development of affordable housing and resident services. Donate today to help us continue our mission!


News Feed

Hope and Healing: The Transformative Power of Supportive Housing

Farrell Mike grew up in a big family on the west side of Chicago. He was a triplet and the youngest of 26 kids. Farrell witnessed a lot of violence growing up, and the final straw was when one of his childhood friends was shot while they were playing outside. In 1972, his mom moved

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Finding Laughter and Joy through Mental Health Programming

“Here [in America] we’ve built anew, new friends and new memories and new everything, but we still have shared backgrounds and sometimes we remember these things together.” – Selma Originally from Baghdad, Selma has lived at Marian Park Apartments in Wheaton for the past seven years. Marian Park is a multilingual community where residents speak

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Talema’s Story

Talema has been a caregiver for most of her life. “I helped raise my sister so my mom could work, and then I helped raise the other two [siblings].” Later, she became a mother of two children, a daughter and a son with autism. When her children were young, her then-boyfriend became physically and emotionally

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Partner With Us

Long-term solutions to the affordable housing crisis begin with an organizational commitment to lasting, creative, and dynamic partnerships. We are constantly building new relationships to meet the needs of our communities and capitalize on opportunities in the Great Lakes region.

We hope you’ll join us in finding new solutions and empowering even more residents to achieve their dreams.

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