Mercy Housing Lakefront Board of Directors

Mercy Housing Lakefront is advised by a Board of Directors comprised of individuals from leading companies who are committed to alleviating poverty and homelessness. Their efforts help support our projects, housing programs, and services for low-income individuals and families in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.

Board of Directors

George Adams – Bank of America
Lindsey Artola – Sage Health Strategy
Phil Ashton (Chair) – University of Illinois at Chicago
Chester Bell – U.S. Bank
Henry Crumpton – Mercy Housing Lakefront Resident
Alex Dadakis – USG
Phillip DeSalvo (Vice Chair) – KPMG LLP
Mary Fishman – Sisters of Mercy and Architect
Tifair Hamed – P33 Chicago
Desiré Hunter – Mercy Housing Lakefront Resident and UNYQUE, LLC
Esther Macchione – Prestige Health
Teresa Maltby, RSM, D. MN – Sisters of Mercy
Monica Marton – Advocate Aurora Health
Jon D. Stolz – Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC
Steve Thomas (Treasurer) – Future Wave Finances, LLC
Ritu Vig – SP+

Southeast Wisconsin Council

Bob Connolly — The James Company
Bill Cummings — Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren
James Dash — Carlson Dash, LLC
Julie Fay-Krivitz — WaterStone Bank
Jason Korb — Korb + Associates Architects
John Neuberger — Quad Graphics
Sig Strautmanis — General Capital Group
John Salemi — U.S. Bank

President’s Advisory Council

Michael T. Clune – Clune Construction
Paul A. Dillon – Dillon Consulting Services, LLC
King Harris – Harris Holdings, Inc. and Harris Family Foundation
Jack E. Neal – Linden Capital Partners
Elizabeth B. Phillips
Denis Pierce – McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC
John K. Powell, Jr.
Gregory Salah
Peter Vilim – Waterton

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Meet the People of Mercy