In The News

Mercy Housing California is currently constructing a whopping 17 new communities with permanent supportive housing throughout the state. Once complete, these residences will provide homes to about 1,590 individuals and families and expand our reach in high-need areas such as Los Angeles and the East Bay Area. Enjoy a sneak peek at three new communities

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Family on a playground

Authored by Mercy Housing California’s partners at ALL HOME, the Bay Area’s leading driver of region-wide solutions to disrupt the cycles of poverty and homelessness, reduce racial disparities, and create more economic mobility opportunities for extremely low-income people. For more information about All Home or to get involved in their work, reach out to Edie

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On Wednesday, August 11, for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the grounds at Mather Veterans Village in Rancho Cordova teemed with residents, neighbors, resource providers, and a small cadre of loyal canines. More than one hundred community members strolled from booth to booth, connecting with 22 different exhibitors at Mather’s

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Sheltered vs. Unsheltered: Where do we stack up? California and New York both have comparatively high rates of homelessness per capita.* However, the two states’ homelessness crises don’t look the same. New York has more sheltered homeless people, while California has more unsheltered homeless people, making our crisis more visible. Shelter provides important health and

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Mr. Charles Davis is used to advocating for himself. The journey to his current home in Mercy Housing California’s Madonna Residences was long and winding — but he looks back on it with pride. “After I moved in here, I felt more comfortable and more at ease with myself,” said Mr. Davis. “I didn’t have

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Headshot of smiling woman, Kai Bluford, who is our Resident Services Coordinator

Kai Bluford is a Resident Services Coordinator at Mercy Housing’s Madonna Residences in San Francisco. What drew you to this line of work? It’s part of my family background. I was a latchkey kid; my parents went to work and school full time, so I was raised by my grandma and my aunt. My grandma,

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Mather Veterans village collage

Celebrating the Completion of Additional Housing for Homeless and Disabled Veterans in Rancho Cordova, CA On October 12, 2021, Mercy Housing California, Nation’s Finest, the City of Rancho Cordova and the County of Sacramento celebrated the completion of all three phases of Mather Veterans Village, the first permanent supportive housing development for homeless and disabled

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Bob walking on a nature trail

Bob Mullarkey is no ordinary senior. At age 62, he walked 25 miles a day for 100 days this year to raise money for Mercy Housing California (MHC) and bring attention to our state’s homelessness crisis.   We touched base with Bob at the end of his 2,500-mile walk-a-thon – a stroll that raised just over $100,000 and inspired

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7th and H Sacramento

In his State of the City address this summer, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg made national headlines with an ambitious promise. “I propose that our city be the first to enact both a legal right to safe shelter and housing, and a parallel obligation for unsheltered people to accept that shelter and housing when it is

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Hacienda Entry Perspective

When the Hacienda Senior Housing Community in Richmond, CA reopens in 2022 after a major renovation, 150 seniors will enjoy a new home thanks to the partnership between the Community Housing Development Corporation of North Richmond (CHDC), Mercy Housing California (MHC) and the City of Richmond. To create successful, service-enriched affordable housing throughout California, MHC

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