In The News

Georgia, 74, has lived at Mercy Housing Lakefront’s Marian Housing Center in Racine for over twelve years. Prior to finding Marian Housing Center, Georgia had a mini stroke which drastically impacted her health for the long term. She spent significant amounts of money on medical bills, causing financial strain, and was looking for a more

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mercy housing heart logo

For more than 125 years, St. Catherine Residence has provided women of diverse talents and needs in Milwaukee with stable, affordable housing for as long – or as brief – a period as they need it. Thousands of residents have benefited from this flexibility as St. Catherine Residence has played a vital role in the

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Latoya reflects on the power of finding a welcoming place to call home, St. Catherine’s, when she needed it most. For Latoya, St. Catherine Residence has been there when she needed it. “I actually lived here before,” she explains. “The first time I came here, I was eighteen.” Latoya had moved out on her own

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Woman wearing a mask and holding a grocery bag

Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin partnered with Mercy Housing Lakefront to help residents at a critical time. Mercy Housing Lakefront (MHL) greatly appreciates Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin in 2021 for providing additional emergency rental support to Wisconsin residents. Molina granted Mercy Housing Lakefront $12,000 to support 12 Milwaukee families in need of additional rental support in

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Lady working at table from home

  The past year has presented challenges for everyone, particularly for older adults who are some of the most at-risk from COVID-19. However, for Josephine, a resident of Mercy Housing Lakefront’s Assisi Homes of Kenosha, the silver lining has been how she has learned to use technology to connect with others and remain active. In

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resident josephine at her desk

Josephine learned how technology could keep her connected while staying safe at home. The past year has presented challenges for everyone, particularly for older adults who are some of the most at-risk from COVID-19. However, for Josephine, a resident of Mercy Housing Lakefront’s Assisi Homes of Kenosha, the silver lining has been how she has

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Dominique, Mercy Housing Lakefront resident


Dominique is a 32-year-old single mother who lives at Mercy Housing Lakefront’s (MHL) Washington Courts in Chicago’s Austin community. She was born and raised in the North Lawndale community, just five miles south of the Austin neighborhood. “I moved with my one-year-old daughter Maliha to Indianapolis, because I had family issues here … I lived with my cousin for some time.”  After

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Johnston Center Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

Mercy Housing Lakefront recently celebrated the Johnston Center Residences’ 10-year anniversary. This beautiful community in Milwaukee’s Lincoln Village neighborhood serves people that have experienced chronic homelessness, with affordable homes and essential resident services. Staying Connected The event was celebrated with catered boxed lunches which were distributed for 54 residents and attended by staff. Connections between

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City on a Hill Partnership

It’s not easy for everyone to find quality, affordable healthcare. When you’re earning a lower income, it’s even harder. Mercy Housing has always understood that a home is the best place for people to take control of their health. As we provide hundreds of people in Wisconsin with a home, it’s essential that we provide

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Get Out the Vote – Wisconsin

Voting is essential to democracy and Mercy Housing Lakefront believes it’s vital to help residents take part. With the help of supporters, staff, and volunteers we helped to register voters, get absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, and support voter turnout at all nine Wisconsin communities that we serve. We have already registered over 647 residents and

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