In The News

This month, the Mercy Housing National office hosted an Earth Day drawing contest that was open to residents from all regions across the country. Residents were asked to create a picture of what Earth Day means to them. Here are just a few of the drawings we’d like to share from our many talented artists

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Today we celebrate Earth Day and are reminded that collectively, we must all do our part to protect the environment, starting with the communities in which we live. Most recently, Mercy Housing Northwest (MHNW) has partnered with University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy & Governance to develop an innovative program for environmental sustainability

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Health & Housing

This Saturday April 7th marks World Health Day, which was started by the World Health Organization in 1950. Mercy Housing is keenly aware of the relationship between health and housing. When people have a safe, clean, and affordable living space, their physical and mental health thrives. We implement and measure healthcare programming through our resident services

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Dear Colleagues, I don’t know about you, but I am energized and inspired by the youth of America! Who could have imagined the wisdom, commitment, focus, and organizing savvy displayed this past weekend at the “March for Our Lives”? Just the name: “March for Our Lives” coupled with the title of the movement “Never Again”

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This week, Mercy Housing celebrated International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 states that “all human beings are free and equal and deserve dignity and rights.” A big part of Mercy Housing’s works is to ensure that no one falls victim to housing segregation or

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In 2017, Allison Langholff and Kiran Singh stepped up to lead volunteer efforts at their company CBRE. Since taking on this role, these leading ladies have been able to implement a creative approach to increasing participation from their group. Banking on the competitive nature of their colleagues, they decided to make the Back-to-School efforts a

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Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer among women? At our Mercy Housing Northwest communities, 63% of the residents we serve are women. Heart disease also disproportionately affects people of color, a very critical population that we serve. In honor of Heart Health month in February, many of our residents across Washington

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Last month, Mercy Housing Northwest rallied alongside 600 housing advocates at the Capitol in Olympia to fight for affordable housing for all. As one of the sponsoring organizations of this annual Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day hosted by Washington Low Income Housing Alliance (WLIHA), MHNW stood united with the providers, formerly homeless individuals and other

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Celebrate Today is both International Women’s Day (IWD) and the beginning of National Catholic Sister’s Week (NCSW). You don’t need to be Catholic or a Sister to honor NCSW. Mercy Housing wouldn’t exist, had it not been for a small group of dedicated Sisters who decided to bring positive social change to affordable housing. They

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For Black History Month, Mercy Housing would like to highlight Five Points, a historic African American neighborhood just minutes away from our home office in Denver, CO. Famed for classic architecture, an entrepreneurial spirit, and jazz, this neighborhood has shaped the face of our city for generations. Denver blossomed in the mid-nineteenth century silver boom

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