In The News

Bonnie Betz has spent her entire life in Tornado Alley; the infamous stretch in the southern plains of the central U.S. where violent tornados are all too common. Her numerous stories about the close encounters she has had with these powerful storms over the years have earned Bonnie the nickname “Tornado Lady” amongst her friends

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Mercy Housing Northwest – Idaho received a grant from the Home Federal Foundation to support the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in the City of Nampa. Pictured: Mercy Housing Northwest – Idaho Direct of Housing, Robert Reed, receiving the check from Belinda Sargent from Home Federal Bank.

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Just before the New Year, the California Supreme Court upheld legislation which eliminates all of the redevelopment agencies in the state on February 1, 2012. Until the ruling, redevelopment agencies have been required to spend 20% of their revenue on the creation and preservation of affordable homes for low and moderate income households. These agencies provided nearly $1 billion per year for affordable housing-money that has been critical to Mercy’s work in nearly every community that we serve.

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Source: Affordable Housing Finance Catholic Health Partners (CHP) has transferred 616 affordable homes to Mercy Housing Southeast’s property portfolio. The transaction was completed Dec. 31. Learn more…

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Mercy Housing California is working hard to improve life in Sunnydale – a low income housing project that the San Francisco Chronicle described in 2008 as “…quite possibly the most dangerous, depressed and decrepit area of the city.”  A Nov. 5 Chronicle article adds details about the suffering in the neighborhood: “Sunnydale residents share stories

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Each November the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness co-sponsor National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The good news is that during this week – Nov. 12-18 in 2011 – groups across the country organize events to improve what has become a major crisis in our country.

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Don’t believe the folks who tell you that Congress doesn’t get anything done. Just a few days after the Senate’s first housing appropriations budget for 2012 was released, we’re hearing from staffers that both sides are ready to consign housing programs for the lowest income people to another year of historic cuts and budget gaps.

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A note from Mercy Housing’s Washington DC Policy Associate – Eva Wingren Imagine, for a moment, a world without the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. 9/10ths of the affordable housing industry’s current production capacity either sacrificed on the altar of deficit reduction, or converted to a clumsy federal program run by folks who don’t understand

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Before moving to Villas de Merced, Luis and Patricia Vazquez were struggling to find a safe, comfortable home that their family could afford. In 2000, the family moved into Villas De Merced, a Mercy Housing family property located in Mesa, Ariz., that is home to nearly 300 residents. Their 11-year-old son, Luis Jr. struggles with

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Mercy Housing and Nestlé Family have partnered together to help mothers in need and their families. In honor of Mother’s Day, Nestlé Family has created a photo sharing tool on their Facebook page, and each time a person uploads a picture of the special mom in their life, Nestlé Family will donate $1* (up to $50,000*) to Mercy Housing. In

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