In The News

Support the Affordable Homes...
In Washington state, House Bill 2276, sponsored by Rep. April Berg (D-44), and Senate Bill 6191, sponsored by Senator Noel Frame (D-36), collectively known as the Affordable Homes Act, would create a permanent and dedicated funding source for affordable housing in Washington State by adding a modest 1% to a new program mirroring existing real
Read MoreA New Mixed-Use Affordable Housing...
Seattle, WA – Mercy Housing Northwest and Open Doors for Multicultural Families, in partnership with Sound Transit, King County, and the City of Kent, are proud to announce that they have been selected by Sound Transit to partner on a new Kent-Des Moines North Transit Oriented Development. The Kent Multicultural Village will be an inclusive
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Hezza was born in Seattle but moved around a lot as a kid. “My father had a passion for travel, and wanted to see the world,” said Hezza. “Moving around, I got great at making friends, learning local languages, and I fell deeply in love with music,” they added. As a child, their mother nurtured
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Sister Judy Byron Receives the...
At Power of Home 2023, Mercy Housing Northwest, with the support of Amazon and the Sisters of Providence, introduced the winner of the inaugural Mercy Housing Northwest Founding Communities Award, Sister Judy Byron. This award was established in recognition of the five founding communities of fearless Women Religious whose tenacity and vision created Mercy Housing
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A Special Night Celebrating the...
A hush fell over the Trailview Community Room. From corner to corner, the room was covered in circus decorations, while, jugglers, clowns, face-painting specialists, school administrators, and Mercy Housing Northwest staff waited for their special guests to arrive. Meanwhile, outside the room kindergarten to high school students stood waiting for 5:00 PM and when the
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Representative Liz Berry Visits...
In August, Representative Liz Berry visited Cedar Crossing located in the Roosevelt Neighborhood of Seattle. Joined by Mercy Housing Northwest President Joe Thompson and Senior Real Estate Developer Alisa Luber, took Rep. Berry on a tour of the courtyard, community spaces, and a couple of available homes. Rep. Berry, who represents the 36th District, was
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Celebrating National Night Out...
High above Gardner House, on the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Hanford St. in Seattle’s Columbia City neighborhood, tents were aligned in rows. The smell of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers filled the air, while kids, parents, and residents congregated around tables, shared food, laughed, danced to the sounds of music, and
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Eagle Kiwanis Club Donates InstaPots...
It all began as a simple conversation. Ellie Griffin, Resident Services Coordinator at Sisters Villa, Eagle Senior Village, and 12th & River, was talking with Twila Dover, a local food bank representative, about a desire to address some of the food security challenges facing the senior residents who call the three communities, “home.” Not all
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A Sustainable Future in Oregon...
In July, Mercy Housing Northwest, in partnership with the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, hosted the Mercy Greenbrae Sustainability Event, where attendees heard from industry experts and learned more about Passive House certification. Once completed, Mercy Greenbrae, which sits on the site of the former Marylhurst University, will feature a three-
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Power of Home Celebrates Mercy...
It was wonderful seeing so many friendly faces at this year’s Power of Home, our largest fundraiser of the year. Together we raised nearly $400,000 in support of MHNW’s Mercy Scholars program, which focuses on expanding our education work to every family community through onsite programming, services, and community partnerships. Emceed by Fox 13 and
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