In The News

A warm cooked meal feeds the appetite and so much more for seniors at Holly Park.

Since 1986, the Senior Hub has been providing services in Adams County, Colorado, to help older adults maintain their health and independence as they age. They offer a wide range of services including Meals on Wheels, adult daycare, food pantry, and Senior Tech that all help meet a variety of needs. Last October, the Senior

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“Gradually, I got to feel like this is my family, this is where I belong, and I don’t want to live anywhere else. I want to stay here forever,” said Mary.

Finding New Hope

Upon meeting Mary, you find a warm and welcoming soul. Her big smile shines bright and her kind eyes instantly make you feel comfortable. It’s hard to imagine that just a few years ago, Mary lived day-to-day in paralyzing fear for her life. Looking back, Mary can see a pattern of being drawn toward abusive

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The Fair Housing Act matters! In honor of Black History month, we wanted to reflect on the importance of the Fair Housing Act. It has been instrumental in helping communities to be more vibrant, healthy, and diverse. Without it, Mercy Housing might not be in business. Our work isn’t done, but laws like these help

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Jane Graf Headshot

With this being my final year as Mercy Housing’s President & CEO, I wanted to thank all of our supporters, volunteers, donors, staff, and most importantly residents for everything. My career has been an incredible journey. I have so many fond memories, from seeing families turn the key to a new home, to witnessing the

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Career Fair

A Foot in the Door

Thanks to donor and community support, students living at Marian Park participated in the Youth to Career Fair, an educational fair put on in partnership with the greater Wheaton, IL community. This program offered Mercy Housing residents valuable information about discovering meaningful career paths. Our Resident Services staff partnered with our onsite Out-of-School Time program

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Your support helps Mercy Housing residents to not only have homes but tackle food insecurity as well. By donating meals and food for pantries, people who may have once struggled with hunger are now full every night. Over the holidays, so many pantries were filled by generous donations of food and goods. Potlucks and other

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PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: February 3, 2020 Contact: Kate Peterson | 303.830.3443 | With the nation’s older adult population growing at a historic rate, a leading affordable housing nonprofit, Mercy Housing has strengthened its essential older adult-health programming in the Southwest thanks to Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s $170,000 grant. PHOENIX — Low-income

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3 Ways Homes Affect Health

A stable affordable home is what the doctor ordered … no really. There’s a growing body of research proving that affordable housing with services supports people’s health. Here are just a few of the trends we’re seeing: 1. Can Reduce Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, and Arthritis No, simply moving into affordable housing doesn’t magically make people

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Ways To Escape Homelessness... With a Cellphone?

A phone and access to the internet are crucial for escaping homelessness. Cellphones alone can’t s0lve poverty in the U.S., but they can help someone experiencing homelessness get the services they need to improve their lives. Here are three ways a cellphone can help someone that doesn’t have a home: 1. Shelter Updates Many homeless

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Magnuson Park Food Pantry Volunteers

In Spring of 2019, Mercy Housing Northwest (MHNW) opened the doors to our newest community, Mercy Magnuson Place, providing 148 affordable homes on the Magnuson Park campus. The building offers an onsite health clinic, childcare center, and resident services programming – all critical to residents’ success and stability. However, MHNW knew that Magnuson Park was

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