In The News

Guest blog by Amelie G. Ramirez, DrPH, Director, Salud America!, UT Health San Antonio Latinos lack access to affordable housing. But policies and practices are emerging to create affordable housing and keep renters in their homes, which can boost Latino health equity. Where you live is linked to how healthy you are. Sadly, U.S. Latino

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May is National Health and Wellness month, and Mercy Housing’s home office joined the Denver, Colorado community in the Colfax Marathon relay this past weekend. We thank everyone that participated. It was wonderful to see so many people, organizations, and the City of Denver come together for the state’s largest marathon. Exercising with friends, fellow

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Mercy Housing is committed to increasing energy efficiency across our entire portfolio

Mercy Housing is committed to increasing energy efficiency across our entire portfolio, reducing waste and consumption, and creating a healthier environment for residents. We make energy efficiency a priority because it is a vehicle for housing preservation, it supports residents’ needs, and it is our contribution toward the climate change crisis. Energy efficiency is a

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Home is Just The Beginning Gala

Our Home is Just the Beginning Gala last month raised over $275,000 that will directly fund youth programming in California. Take a look at all of the wonderful photos of the Gala. We are so grateful to the 370 attendees who came out on a Thursday night to support our mission to create stable, vibrant,

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Demolition Begins at Sunnydale

This month, wrecking crews began to knock down the worn-out barrack style structures that have been home to Sunnydale residents for over 75 years. These buildings, which were meant to be temporary housing for war workers in the 1940s, have long been in desperate need of replacement. Now, after years of planning and collaboration with

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Being a mother isn’t easy. A mother gives support, guidance, and all the things a family needs for a happy home and a bright future. As Mercy Housing honors all mothers this Mother’s Day, we encourage you to think about how wonderful all the mothers in your life are, and all the inspiring things they

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senior with a tray of baked goods

This month, we celebrate Older Americans Month. The knowledge and wisdom that seniors offer future generations must be cherished. May is just one month, but what you learn from this special time can carry on throughout your life. The research is there, Mercy Housing sees it every day, and chances are you’ve experienced it first

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Affordable Housing Finance logo

For 10 years, Affordable Housing Finance has honored Mercy Housing on their Top 50 Affordable Housing Owners. This year, the AHF 50 owners hold an impressive 7,127 developments that provide 672,007 affordable homes for families, seniors, veterans, and people with special needs from coast to coast. Read the complete list here>

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Meet Belinda

Your support encourages women to never give up on themselves. Belinda, like many young men and women, found herself at a house party in her early 20’s. Her life would never be the same. At the party someone slipped a hallucinogenic drug into her drink, triggering a chemical imbalance in her brain that led to

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Greenwich Apartments photos at sunset

They include more low-income housing, fewer fines and less incarceration. More than half a century ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson stood before a joint session of Congress during his first State of the Union address and declared an “unconditional war on poverty,” drawing attention to the uncomfortable truth that millions of Americans were living without

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