In The News

Whether she’s preparing and serving dinner at Evergreen Vista’s monthly resident meeting, organizing an outreach program or helping new residents get involved with the services their community has to offer, Intercommunity Mercy Housing resident Carolyn Walker is always busy.

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Mercy Housing receives two grants worth $750,000 from Citi Foundation. The grants will be used to expand the development of affordable housing in Illinois, California and throughout the nation.

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Mercy Housing will use $376,750 in grant funding from The Walmart Foundation to launch a nationwide effort to improve the use of energy at its existing affordable housing properties and require developers to use a variety of “green” design elements in all future properties. The grant from The Walmart Foundation will supplement government and other

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Intercommunity Mercy Housing needs your help to provide 650 filled backpacks to youth at 18 of our properties.

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Mercy Housing receives $100,000 grant from The Home Depot Foundation to support national Environmental Stewardship Initiative. The grant will be used to make existing affordable housing properties energy efficient and create standards for future developments.

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Mercy Services Corporation, Mercy Housing’s property management subsidiary, is among the National Affordable Housing Management Association’s 2009 Affordable 100 — a list of the 100 largest affordable multifamily property management companies. NAHMA compiles the list based on affordable unit counts. The company must receive one of five federal subsidies to be included. Mercy Services Corporation

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  Jennifer Erixon, President of Mercy Housing Colorado, was named one of Affordable Housing Finance Magazine’s 2009 Young Leaders. The magazine will profile Jennifer and the 11 other Young Leaders in their September 2009 issue. Jennifer is responsible for leading Mercy Housing Colorado’s operations, including the oversight of affordable housing development, fundraising and resident services.

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Nearly 2,400 low-income adults and children will have access to new Dell computers at their properties’ community centers, thanks to a $34,700 grant to Intercommunity Mercy Housing from the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound. Intercommunity Mercy Housing used the grant to buy 56 new computers and software for the computer labs at nine

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As the recession deepens, homelessness and housing instability are rising throughout the region. This one-year grant from the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust will help Mercy Housing Lakefront develop and implement an aggressive plan to build or preserve 5,000 affordable homes and apartments throughout the region. Learn more at

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Mercy Housing California dedicated two new affordable housing communities in Sacramento this month — Ardenaire Apartments on May 15 and Martin Luther King, Jr. Village on May 21. Ardenaire Apartments is a 53-unit property for low-income individuals and families. Nineteen of the refurbished, affordable apartment homes are for formerly homeless families and individuals. Martin Luther King, Jr. Village consists

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