Mercy Housing California

Together, we have what it takes to build a healthier, housed California. 

At Mercy Housing California, we develop and operate affordable, service-enriched housing that changes the lives of families, seniors, and people who have been homeless. We work with public and private partners throughout the state to help keep the most vulnerable in our communities stably housed and prevent homelessness. From construction to community development, we advance innovative solutions to meet the scale and urgency of California’s housing crisis.

Mercy Housing California (MHC) is headquartered in San Francisco, with regional offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles. We are the largest regional division of Mercy Housing, Inc., the nation’s largest nonprofit affordable housing developer. Mercy Housing California partners with Mercy Housing Management Group as the management agent for our California communities. 

California Department of Real Estate Corporation License #01191816

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The Problem

$87,877 Income needed to afford a 2-bedroom market-rate apartment
$19,922 Average income of Mercy Housing California households

Our Impact

11,322 Apartment homes across California
20,492 People live in an affordable Mercy Housing California community

Service-Enriched Housing


Home is just the beginning at Mercy Housing California. We believe that fostering healthy communities starts with giving residents the tools they need to build towards their dreams. Our free, onsite resident services include health and wellness programs, after-school enrichment, financial stability resources and community empowerment opportunities.

Residents Tell Their Stories

Tackling California’s Homelessness Crisis

Homelessness is not inevitable, and we share the goal of making it rare, brief, and non-recurring. Mercy Housing California is all in on solutions that get people off the streets and prevent low-wage renters from joining their ranks. That means more permanent supportive housing, and expanded access to quality, affordable homes.

Research by UC Berkeley has found that our new Tahanan Supportive Housing community, developed in partnership with Tipping Point Community and the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund, represents a breakthrough model to help our state build affordable homes. Tahanan was constructed in half the time and for 30% less cost than comparable developments.

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Sunnydale HOPE SF

San Francisco is one of the world’s greatest cities, with beautiful neighborhoods and a vibrant economy. But residents of Sunnydale, a public housing community in the southeastern part of the city, haven’t felt the benefits of their city’s prosperity. These 1,700 neighborhood residents have joined with Mercy Housing California and our partners to advance Sunnydale HOPE SF, an ambitious initiative designed to improve the quality of life for current and future residents of all ages.

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Donate to Mercy Housing California

We are proud to serve our residents and California communities through the development of affordable housing and resident services. Donate today to help us continue our mission!


News Feed

Bright Future Ahead: Crystal Awarded EPIC Scholarship

Crystal’s educational and career goals were shaped by the challenges and support she had received throughout her life. “Mercy Housing played a pivotal role in my journey,” she recently shared. The recipient of a 2024 National Real Estate Practice of EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants annual EPIC Educational Support Grant, Crystal credits Mercy Housing and

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Monsignor Lyne
 Electrification Projects Decarbonize Affordable Housing

When it comes to decarbonization, solar panels get quite a bit of flash and marketing – and rightfully so, as they save people a lot of money while reducing our reliance on a power grid that burns fossil fuels. However, its sibling in decarbonization tends to be overlooked: electrification. Electrification, or the retrofit of a

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A Day to Celebrate! The Hub Opens its Doors to the Community

Transformational 30,000 sq. ft. Community Center includes a new Wu Yee Children’s Services Early Learning Center and a new clubhouse for the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco. Mercy Housing California (MHC), Related California, Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco, and Wu Yee Children’s Services, in collaboration with community leaders, capital campaign donors,

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  • certificate in blue circle
    Gifts of Stock & Securities
    A gift of stock to Mercy Housing ensures that families, seniors and people with special needs can live in hope for a better future.
  • Icon of a hand holding a coin
    Donor-Advised Fund
    A donor-advised fund, or DAF, allows donors to make a charitable contribution while receiving favorable tax benefits.
  • heart floating above a hand in blue circle
    Planned Giving
    Join our Legacy Circle with a planned gift to Mercy Housing in your estate or long-term financial plans.
  • buildings in blue circle
    Workplace Giving
    Workplace Giving is how employees partner with their employers and coworkers to make a lasting impact in their communities.
  • Crypto Rocket to the Moon
    Giving cryptocurrency is a quick, easy, and secure way to make a tax-deductible donation and helps us continue providing vital resident services.
  • shopping cart in blue circle
    Other Ways to Give
    Several organizations help you to give back to Mercy Housing by doing the things you would anyway, including online shopping!
  • certificate in blue circle
    Gifts of Stock & Securities
    A gift of stock to Mercy Housing ensures that families, seniors and people with special needs can live in hope for a better future.
  • Icon of a hand holding a coin
    Donor-Advised Fund
    A donor-advised fund, or DAF, allows donors to make a charitable contribution while receiving favorable tax benefits.
  • heart floating above a hand in blue circle
    Planned Giving
    Join our Legacy Circle with a planned gift to Mercy Housing in your estate or long-term financial plans.
  • buildings in blue circle
    Workplace Giving
    Workplace Giving is how employees partner with their employers and coworkers to make a lasting impact in their communities.
  • Crypto Rocket to the Moon
    Giving cryptocurrency is a quick, easy, and secure way to make a tax-deductible donation and helps us continue providing vital resident services.
  • shopping cart in blue circle
    Other Ways to Give
    Several organizations help you to give back to Mercy Housing by doing the things you would anyway, including online shopping!

Partner With Us.

Regardless of the scale and population served, each Mercy Housing community is built with an unwavering commitment to dynamic partnerships, creative vision and extensive community planning. We understand that the heart of a new community is built over time through the early and consistent engagement of community members. Mercy Housing’s development team is skilled at creating dynamic and informed relationships with the local community – relationships that lead to comprehensive design and a prioritization of community needs.

Together with its partners, Mercy Housing California has developed over 10,000 homes where more than 20,000 Californians will sleep tonight. We hope you’ll join us in building the next one.

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